Grant Opportunities

Whole Home Repair Grant Program

Erie County has made assistance available for projects and activities, which principally benefit low- and moderate-income persons, through the state COVID-19 ARAP Whole Home Repair Grant. Where appropriate, these funds may be coupled with other federal, state, and/or local funding sources. The Redevelopment Authority of Corry will administer this grant for the City of Corry and the Townships of Concord, Union, and Venango. 

This grant is designed to assist those whose total household annual income is determined to be at or below 80% of the Area Median Income as established by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).


The scope of this grant includes projects related to home repair, rehabilitation, accessibility alterations, and addressing code-related issues. Funding is available for up to $24,999 per approved project. 

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